The Cutting Edge

The official blog of Knife Depot

Author: Tim (page 25 of 113)

Timothy Martinez Jr. is the community director for Knife Depot and the editor of The Cutting Edge. If you have any questions or ideas for The Cutting Edge, you can contact him at

Watch a Guy Wear a Belt of Spinning Knives


The best YouTubers out there are the ones with the best imagination along with the skills to bring their ideas to life. Colin Furze is the best at this when it comes to insane creations (with Joerg Sprave not far behind).

In Colin’s most recent video, the backyard scientist and general madman decided to once again venture into the world of knives with an idea to create a belt of spinning knives to quickly make a salad.

Colin has made some other interesting knife-related projects like homemade Wolverine claws, but his spinning belt of doom is way more dangerous.

Take a look:

He attached eight kitchen knives on hinges to a belt that can spin at 1000RPM all in the pursuit of cutting a salad. You can see he actually gets hurt pretty bad at the end of the video when the belt goes a little haywire (see the growing blood spot on his shirt and the big scratch on his arm).

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Kershaw Link – Badass Knife of the Week


Finding a solid everyday carry knife you can use reliably at work that doesn’t cost an arm and a leg is no easy task. Fortunately for you, our Badass Knife of the Week is that knife.

The Kershaw Link is the missing link between cheap foreign-made knives and expensive premium knives not meant to be used.

Featuring the product number 1776, the Link is an American-made knife with a 3.25-inch drop point blade made from 420HC stainless steel, a very capable workhorse steel that’s easy to maintain.

The simplified blade springs to life with the help of a flipper tab and the reliable SpeedSafe assisted-opening mechanism. A liner lock keeps it engaged.

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Hilarious Knife Video Hits Close to Home

If you’re like me, you always look for an opportunity to take out your knife to help when some other tool like scissors could work just as well. That’s why this hilarious video from YouTuber Gus Johnson hit so close to home.

Take a look.

While I’d like to think I’m not this extreme (and I would never ever storm over a couch with an open knife in my hand), my wife and kids would probably say otherwise.

This seems to be the first knife-related post from Johnson and company but the fact that it’s so accurate on so many levels makes me think that Johnson or at least someone from his inner circle is a knife person.

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Edge of Belgravia Launches Shiroi Hana Knives on Kickstarter

Kickstarter is a tough place. Out of every three projects launched, only one will get funded.

That’s why when a company successfully makes two big hits, it’s a pretty good sign that they’re doing something right. That’s where Edge of Belgravia comes in.

The kitchen cutlery company has launched yet another crowdfunding project for kitchen knives only a year after creating the most successful knife project in Kickstarter’s history.

Edge of Belgravia’s latest line of knives is called Shiroi Hana. It already has more than 1,000 backers who pledged more than $350,000 with just 10 days to go until the funding period ends. That’s pretty impressive (though admittedly not as impressive as the over $2 million pledged for the first Kuroi Hana project).

The Shiroi Hana Collection

The Shiroi Hana Collection is essentially a more refined version of the previous Kuroi Knives with a few minor improvements. Edge of Belgravia sent me a sample to look at (I’ll explain why a little later).

The knives themselves are high-end kitchen knives with a unique design from London designer Christian Bird (who appropriates some of the elements of Japanese knives).

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Boker Plus Wildcat – Badass Knife of the Week


House cats are known as soft and cuddly little domestic pets, but the truth is they wouldn’t be opposed to eating your eyes and limbs once you die. That’s when house cats tap into the dark side of their ancestors — the wildcat.

The Boker Plus Wildcat shares many commonalities with the notoriously difficult to tame wildcats of Europe. The Wildcat is adaptable, fierce, and impossible to nail down.

Designed by Boris Manasherov, the Wildcat is a folding karambit inspired by the claws of the bigs cats in the jungles of Indonesia. The 2.8-inch blade is made from D2 steel and opens softly with the help of an oval thumb hole or quickly with a flipper tab. Ball bearings make either option smooth as butter.

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Case Knives Goes Electric

At the Newport Folk Festival in 1965, musician Bob Dylan shocked a crowd of concertgoers with a raucous performance of three songs. His almost unprecedented use of electricity (i.e. electric guitars, a Hammond organ, and loud amps) elicited a mixture of boos and cheers. After his set, he was awkwardly ushered back on stage to perform two of his classic folk songs on an acoustic guitar.

That was the moment Dylan went electric.

Why am I telling you all of this? Well, Dylan going electric was the point at which the classic folk hero joined the modern times and embraced a new and louder style of music that he would follow in the ensuing years. W.R. Case & Sons Cutlery Company — a decidedly classic American knife institution known for old slip joints — has had its own moment of going electric this year.

Here’s how.

Case’s Kickstart Assisted Openers

Although Case has never actually been stuck in the past and would often embrace the use of modern materials in its handles (see the synthetic Case knives, for example), it recently introduced an innovation that would help propel the brand into the 21st century: an assisted-opening mechanism.

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Knife YouTubers You Must Subscribe To

YouTube is a strange and frightening place.

You have YouTubers I will never understand in a million years like Logan Paul and PewDiePie and then there are endlessly entertaining channels like CinemaSins and Bad Lip Reading. Alongside videos of makeup tutorials you have hypnotic 10-hour videos of the iconic “dental plan Lisa needs braces” gag from the Simpsons (I admit I watched two and a half hours of that video).

But for all the bizarrities and nonsense plaguing YouTube, there is a lively segment of gear reviews and channels devoted to knives and tangential topics.

So I did the unenviable task of choosing some of the best knife YouTubers every knife enthusiast should subscribe to.

Nick Shabazz

The faceless wonder, the man with the voice of an angel, the Z-Hunter fanboy (which may or may not be ironic anymore). It’s Nick Shabazz.

Nick Shabazz is one of my favorite knife YouTubers. His main focus is gear reviews — specifically knives but he’s branched out into other EDC items — but he also does immensely helpful disassembly videos and occasional live unboxings of awful knives. He looks at the good, the bad, and the ugly of all the items he gets for an unbiased view. On top of his fair take on the knives, he’s the master of puns.

For evidence, check out his review of the CRKT Wrinkle:


While this post mostly features underdog and hidden talents, there are some people you just can’t ignore. One of those is cutleylover. Jeff has been on YouTube since 2008 and has amassed quite a following in the ensuing years. He has nearly 500,000 subscribers and more than 200 million views. Chances are you’ve seen one of his videos.

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Smith & Wesson Tanto Boot Knife – Badass Knife of the Week


You could do much worse than keeping a Smith & Wesson in your boot. Luckily for you, the knives and accessories of the legendary personal safety brand have been the constant companions of law enforcement officers, military servicemen and women, emergency workers, and other brave souls for centuries.

This fixed blade boot knife is no exception.

Standing for Hostage Rescue Team, the H.R.T. Tanto Boot Knife is designed for the toughest tasks. The 4.75-inch tanto blade is 7Cr17MoV high carbon stainless steel, which is easy to sharpen and resist corrosion. Black coating on the blade not only reduces the reflection of the steel but also adds extra protection.

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Watch YouTuber Make Knife from Underwear


Do I post far too many videos from YouTuber kiwami japan? Probably. Am I going to stop? Probably not.

Kiwami japan is one of the most ingenious YouTubers out there, making knives from all types of bizarre materials. He doesn’t use regular materials like steel. Instead, he uses everything from Jell-O to aluminum foil.

In one of his most recent videos, he turns underwear into a knife. Yes, underwear.

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Knifemaker Interview: James Wahls of Indy Hammered Knives

Making it as a knifemaker is no easy task and there are countless knifemakers out there worthy of some time and attention. It’s been a while since we’ve profiled a knifemaker on the blog (the last time was probably 2012’s chat with Stewart J. Light). So when knifemaker James Wahls of Indy Hammered Knives reached out to us, I was intrigued.

I did some research and stumbled upon this video:

His story seemed really interesting, so I agreed to interview him about his journey as a knifemaker.

You can find James and Indy Hammered Knives (IHK) at or on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube.

First, could you tell us a little about yourself, such as where you’re from and your background growing up?

Good Question, I’m from and grew up in LaGrange, IN, which is a small town in northern Indiana. When I say small, I mean I had Amish neighbors growing up and is still the place where I get all my sweet vintage blacksmithing tools! My folks and sister still live up there. I love to go back and visit this special place as much as I can because it will always be home to me.

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