The Cutting Edge

The official blog of Knife Depot

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10 Essential Things For Your Bug-Out Bag

It’s September and there should only be one question on your mind: Am I ready for a disaster?

7_258065You should ask yourself that because this month is National Preparedness Month, a campaign sponsored by FEMA that encourages Americans to prepare for emergencies.

While you may think it’s silly to prepare for something that will probably never happen like a zombie apocalypse or an alien invasion, some disasters are more common than you might think.

Natural disasters like hurricanes and earthquakes are no joke. I recently moved to Los Angeles and there’s a complacency that nothing is going to happen, but if that big earthquake does happens, countless people will not have access to resources or basic necessities. Even right now, flooding in Colorado has left more than a 1,000 people missing with many likely stranded.

Now that I have your attention, it’s time to start preparing. One of the most basic things you can do to prepare is create a bug-out bag. A bug-out bag is a lightweight survival kit designed to help you survive up to 72 hours in the event of an evacuation.

These are also useful for disasters that require you to stay indoors, such as a blackout or hurricane, because the contents will help you in nearly any situation. The key, however, is to be as light and compact as possible to make carrying the bug-out bag feasible.

Also, please be aware that while this is a good general guide, there are a ton of great sites out there that cover every single aspect of preparing for when SHTF (“stuff” hits the fan). I may leave out a few good tips or items, but this shouldn’t be your only guide when preparing for an emergency. Use this as a stepping stone for other research and resources.

With that out of the way, let’s get to the 10 essential pieces of gear you should have in your bug-out bag in the event of a disaster.

1. Water


First and foremost is water. Food usually gets top bill on these lists, but water is far more essential because you can’t survive very long without it. It’s good to have a gallon of water for each person every day. Since that can be a hefty load, many prefer to carry a full water bottle along with a water purification system in case you run out and need to refill on the fly.

2. Food

The next important thing is food. It may be your inclination to put some of your favorite foods in the bug-out bag, but it’s important to remember that only non-perishable foods should go in the bag. Switch out the food every now and then to prevent it from going bad. Some great food items to pack in your bag include dehydrated food and freeze dried foods. You can find some of these foods for sale at Perfectly Prepared.

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Homemade Zombie Brain Slicer Looks Killer

The popularity and obsession with zombies has grown exponentially over the years. And while many might be tired of talking about something that will never happen (probably), one of the best parts is the array of unique weapons designed to deal with the brain-hungry monsters.

No man is more imaginative and great at dreaming up awesomely unnecessary weapons than Joerg Sprave.

The same guy who brought you such amazing monstrosities as the machete slingshot and knife chainsaw has concocted an effective zombie killing device called the Brain Slicer. Basically, these are arrowheads designed to pierce a human skull and slice through as much brain as possible.

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Win 1 of 4 New Schrade Knives in Our Giveaway (Ended)

Whether you’re going camping in the woods or working around the house, a reliable knife is a necessity. And few knives are as durable and well-made as Schrade knives.

For decades, Schrade has delivered on its promise to create nothing but the best by bringing new and innovative knives that can only be described as masterpieces. Today, we’re teaming up with Schrade to give you the opportunity to win one of four amazing new knives from Schrade: the SCHBOLO, SCAXE2, SCHF9 and SCHF14.

To enter, you must do three simple things. First, Like Schrade on Facebook. Second, Like Knife Depot on Facebook. Finally, leave a comment below letting us know which of the four Schrade knives you would like to win and why. It’s as easy as that.

Here are some images of the four knives you could win. Enter in the widget below the pictures.

Schrade Fixed Blade (SCHF14)


Schrade Extreme Survival Knife (SCHF9)



Schrade Axe (SCAXE2)


Schrade Bolo Machete (SCHBOLO)


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Knives Save Lives: Knives vs. Seat Belts

A photo from the scene of the accident.

A photo from the scene of the accident.

For many people who don’t use knives on a daily basis, it can be pretty easy to dismiss them as unnecessary items to carry. Unlike a wallet or keys, a knife might not have to leave your pocket unless you need to slice open packaging or cut twine.

But there’s one other reason why everyone should carry a knife: knives save lives. Sure, this may only come about once in a lifetime, but in that single moment, you control the fate of someone else’s (or your own) life.

Over the past few years, we’ve written a series of blog posts called “Knives Save Lives” documenting the real stories of how knives have been used to save someone from certain death. One thing these stories had in common was that they were unexpected.

For example, early last year, a driver lost control of a car while going over a slippery bridge in Utah. The car crashed into an icy river, trapping three small children inside a car filling with water. The driver, Roger Andersen, tried desperately to save the kids from the vehicle, but the doors were jammed shut.

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Five Best Hatchets at Knife Depot

When I was a young kid in elementary school, I read Gary Paulsen’s wilderness novel called Hatchet. The story follows the survival efforts of a 13-year-old who crash lands in the middle of the woods, carrying nothing but his hatchet. From that point on, the hatchet became the coolest tool on the planet in my young eyes.

It’s almost two decades later now, but I still hold the hatchet in high regards because of its overall usefulness and feel. The weight of a good hatchet in your hand is unmatched.

In an effort to make the hatchet more accessible to newbies and experts alike, I’ve assembled the five best hatchets found at Knife Depot. If you have any you’d like to add to the list, feel free to let me know in the comments.

SOG Tactical Tomahawk


For those who don’t know, a hatchet is essentially a small axe that you can use with one hand. The term itself is not mutually exclusive, meaning certain axes and tomahawks can be considered hatchets. The first hatchet on the list is the SOG Tactical Tomahawk.

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Watch ‘The Story of the Knife’, Win a Tactical Assisted Opener from Trademark Knives

Every now and again, something so badass comes around that we just have to share it. Enter the “Story of the Knife” from Knife Depot.

We’re so confident that this new Knife Depot video will relate to you that we’re giving away this tactical knife just for watching it. Here’s how you could be the lucky winner.

1. Watch the video above.

2. Write the name of one of the knives you see in the video in the comment section below.

3. Receive a bonus entry by leaving a comment on the YouTube video telling us why you love knives.

You can also click one of the tweet, share on Facebook or share on Reddit icons below for some extra luck.

It’s as simple as that. We’ll announce the winner at the end of the week, so start watching for your chance to win the Assisted Opening Tactical Rescue Pocket Knife from Trademark Knives.

Tactical Folding Knife

Why Does Google Lust for Amazon and Loathe Knife Depot?

Imagine if the most powerful Internet company — one that handles 100 billion searches for information a month — prohibited everyone except for the world’s largest e-commerce store to advertise for a specific product. What would that look like? It would look like this.

Above is a screenshot for the search term “throwing knives,” one of our most popular categories at Knife Depot.

We used to to run Google AdWords for throwing knives, but in May, Google turned off all ads for the search term “throwing knives” after they designated it a weapon. Obviously, we disagreed with such a characterization, but weren’t surprised, as in March Google had prohibited all ads for “Assisted Opening Knives” and canceled our entire AdWords account because we sold completely legal spring-assisted knives.

We were eventually reinstated on AdWords, but now for the second time Google has banned our ads for specific products, while Amazon continues to advertise for those products. And it doesn’t end with throwing knives either. Who’s currently running ads for the term “assisted- opening knives?”

Yeah, you guessed, Amazon is in the house, joined by Walmart and Cabella’s. It’s a mega-brand menage-a-trois, with poor Knife Depot relegated to the sideline.

If you looked a year ago, there would have been probably close to a dozen sites advertising for this term. Now, it seems that Google has managed to successfully eliminate all advertisers except for their big-spending compadres.

Why does Google Apply Its Adwords Policy Unfairly?

That’s a fantastic question and one that your pals at Knife Depot have asked ad nauseum to AdWords support staff over the last year. Over hundreds of emails, Google has rarely countered our claims that they are favoring big brands. In fact, in one email this spring a customer service representative affirmed our point:

“I am still waiting on an answer to my reply where I asked for a universal enforcement of the policy OR we allow knife depot back online. I replied and said, I refuse to tell knife-depot they need to remove a product category that 7 other competitors are advertising & selling the same products. I then named each domain, called out the double standard, and requested that they state the clear differences that allows these competitors to serve & knife depot to be suspended. Still waiting on this reply.“

Google’s AdWords support staff is an intractable bureaucracy that makes decisions based on policy edicts that they seemingly have no power to influence or change. Clearly, one huge element of that policy is to never take down ads or suspend the accounts of big-spending AdWords partners. Continue reading

Why Do the Internet Gods Hate Knives?

The knife, in case you’re not aware, is the world’s oldest tool.  It’s been around for close to 3 million years and is suffused in cultural and historical significance.  At Knife Depot, we’re proud to be able to offer an inventory of 10,000 knives to customers across the U.S. and abroad.  It’s a product we cherish and believe in.

Our customers use their knives everyday in a wide array of capacities.  Whether they’re hunters or fisherman, outdoorsman or collectors, their relationships with knives are built upon a love for craftsmanship, self-reliance and the outdoors.

It’s for that reason that we’ve become deeply dismayed by recent efforts by companies like Google and Facebook to label completely legal knives as weapons and to restrict their advertisement on the Internet

In March, I wrote about our battles with Google’s AdWords program, in which our entire account had been shut down due to the fact that we sold completely legal assisted-opening knives that were never prohibited in Google’s AdWords policy.

At the time, we didn’t expect to ever be able to advertise with Google again, however, we had our account re-activated in May with the caveat that none of our landing pages could have assisted-opening knives on them.

Then, just this month, our AdWords account was once again shut down without any advanced notice. We were informed that Google considered “throwing knives” to be weapons and we could not run any ads to those pages.

Wait, a throwing knife is a weapon?

The characterization of throwing knives as weapons, was of course, news to us and anyone who has ever used a throwing knife before.  Every throwing knife we sell has been designed for hitting bullseyes, not bodies.

Could you injure someone with a throwing knife?  Sure, in the same way you could injure someone with a baseball, a frying pan, a brick, a bottle, a rabid cat or a slew of other projectiles that can become weapons if paired with malicious intent.

However, a throwing knife is poorly suited for criminal activity.  These knives are generally large, making them hard to conceal; they have blunt edges and they’re damn hard to throw with fatal accuracy.  I mean, let’s be honest, are you really going to be more afraid of a guy like this trying to rob you then someone with a chainsaw they bought at Walmart?

I rest my case. But Google wasn’t swayed, so they banned us and all other advertisers from advertising bodacious, throwing blades, despite the fact that their Adwords policy doesn’t mention any prohibition of “throwing knives.”

Facebook Also Fears the Almighty Power of The Blade

So, we couldn’t run any more ads for throwing knives, but neither could any of our competitors.  And, at least, we still had Facebook, arguably the world’s most robust platform for demographically-targeted advertising, to alert our legions of knife fans to our products.

For three years, Knife Depot has pretty much crushed it on Facebook, amassing 48,000 fans and a whole lot of social media love.  Our success has come the hard way, as we have been banned from boosting posts due to Facebook’s interpretation of a knife as a “weapon.”

Since we couldn’t boost our posts, we recently started running Facebook ads  via a pretty badass company called Ad Roll.   But before we could even get cranking, we received notice from Ad Roll that our ads had slashed by Facebook’s anti-knife policy.

So I have some less than pleasant news for you.  It looks like Facebook is following suit with Google and tightening their policies. We are going to have to take down the current facebook ads and (and the news feeds ads which never got started) which is a total bummer.  I have had our ops team trying to push them through anyway, but we’ve hit a brick wall with it.  

A Knife Isn’t a Weapon; It’s a Lifesaving Tool

A knife isn’t a weapon; it’s a tool, and one that saves lives every year.  Just last week, in the tragic plane crash in San Francisco, police officers tossed utility knives to passengers so they could cut themselves out of seat belts.  On this blog alone, we’ve chronicled dozens of incidents in which knives have saved lives.

If Facebook wants to criminalize knives, why stop there?  Why not restrict advertising for golf clubs, one of which was used just last week by a man who bludgeoned a woman to death in Arizona.  How about baseball bats?  Earlier this month, a deranged man killed a homeless man with one in a sporting goods store in California.

The bottom line is that there are hundreds of products that can be used for malicious crimes if the person who owns them is hell-bent on destruction.

What Knife Depot is Doing and How You Can Help

Most of the anti-knife reaction by Internet companies unfortunately mirrors much of the anti-knife hysteria that exists out in public.  At Knife Depot, we’re proud to support organizations like Knife Rights and the American Knife and Tool Association, which lobby on behalf of knife owners.

If you want to cut away at anti-knife sentiment, consider donating to either of these two organizations.  You can also share this blog post to alert others to the anti-knife policies of companies like Facebook and Google.  Thanks for being a Knife Depot fan and rest assured we’ll never back down on our commitment to selling top-quality knives, no matter how much discrimination our product faces.

Enter Knife Depot’s Ultimate Twitter Giveaway (Closed)


Do you like what you see? You could win this badass Kershaw Volt II folder from Knife Depot by entering our Twitter giveaway.

Here’s how to enter:

  1. Follow us on Twitter @KnifeDepot or by clicking the follow button in the tweet below.
  2. Retweet the tweet below.

It’s as simple as that. If you want even more entries, you can retweet once a day until the end of the giveaway at midnight Sunday 7/14. A winner will be randomly selected and announced on 7/15.

What are you waiting for?

Survival Knife Tips: A Crash Course with Survival Expert Creek Stewart

This is the second of a two-part series from survival expert Creek Stewart. In addition to doing a Q and A with Creek on survival knives, we’ll also be giving away a  BlackBird SK5 — Creeks’ survival knife of choice – to one lucky reader and two copies of Creek’s new book.  Scroll to the bottom of the article to learn how to enter.  You can learn more about Creek’s survival school in our post from yesterday.

KD: So, what’s your survival knife of choice?

CS: I carry the Blackbird SK5.  It’s made by Ontario Knife Company and designed by Paul Scheiter.

KD:  Why this knife?

CS:   The core of my courses and what I do, especially with primitive skills, revolves around using a knife.  So there’s a lot of reasons why I use this knife.  First, for my my primary survival I want something simple. I don’t want a movie prop.  I don’t want something that’s off of Alien or Predator with big spikes on the back like you might see in Mad Max.  I just want something that has everything you need and nothing you don’t. That’s what this knife has.

KD:  What characteristics do you look for in a survival knife?

CS:  For a core survival knife, it has to be a fixed blade. Whenever there’s a hinge, there’s a weak spot. I don’t care how you look at it.  Even the best made folding knives aren’t going to compete with a fixed blade knife. And full tang– it’s got to be full tang.  I’ve seen partial tang and rat tail knives break under similar conditions that I use my knife.

KD: How can someone determine if a knife is full tang

CS:  A lot of times you can see the metal sandwiched between the scales, but if you can’t, see if the scales are removable. Lots of times rat tail tangs will have a button at the bottom, where you can see where they’ve pinched the bottom of the rat tail. Worse case scenario, call or email the manufacturer.

KD:  What about the pommel?

CS:   I like a flat, solid pommel. It’s kind of like a little hammer and you can use it to pound in stakes.  I also like a flat grind so I can strike my ferro rod with my knife.  That’s important to me.

KD:  What about size?  What’s the ideal range.

CS:  My sweet spot is about a 10-inch knife with a 5-inch blade.  That’s  small enough to do detailed stuff, like feather sets or carving fishing gorges, but it’s also big enough to baton through a tree with a diameter of 24 inches if I had to.  So size definitely matters — too big is too much and too little isn’t enough.  I’ve spent thousands of hours in the field using a knife the way it’s supposed to be used and I’ve been doing it long enough where I can say that I’ve made all the mistakes. I’ve bought the big boys and I’ve tried to get away with the little knives — the little neck knives — and there’s kind of a middle ground that I think is best.

KD:  What other knives do you carry when you’re in the woods?

CS:  I always carry a back up blade.  So on my EDC kit I carry a leatherman — the MUT — and typically a  little Victorinox or a folder like a little thumb-assisted Spyderco, but I always carry a backup, because you never know.  Even though there’s nothing I could do to break or destroy this knife, I could lose it.

KD:  What about price?  How much does the Blackbird run for and how much should somebody expect to pay for a good survival knife?

CS: This knife goes for about $120, which I think is a pretty fair price for a knife that you would expect to last a lifetime and maybe even pass on one day.  That’s the way I look at knives, I don’t look at them like a disposable tool. When I buy a knife, I expect to keep it.  I’d rather spend $100 on a really good knife, then buy five $20 knives, because you never know when a cheap knife is going to break.

KD:  What are some of pitfalls of buying a cheap knife?

CS: There becomes a point when the price is a reflection on the materials.  You can only make a knife so cheap without cutting corners somewhere, maybe it’s in the metal, maybe it’s going to corrode fast.  Look, you get what you pay for.  I don’t mind spending money on two things:  food and knives.

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