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Category: Knife Videos (page 4 of 5)

Watch What Happens When Famous Weapons are Mashed Up Into One Weapon

From the folks who brought you the riveting Man At Arms series comes with next iteration of the series… Man At Arms: Reforged.

Whereas the previous installment saw master bladesmith Tony Swatton recreate weapons found in pop culture (such as Sting from “The Hobbit” and the Lich King Frostmourne from World of Warcraft), this new installment reforges weapons from pop culture to create a new superweapon.

While we’ll definitely miss Tony Swatton and his gang, the new crew from Baltimore Knife and Sword seem more than capable of holding their own.

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Master Blacksmith Tony Swatton Forges Lich King Frostmourne from World of Warcraft

lich king
If you frequent Knife Depot, you know we’re a fan of all things badass (see our Badass Knife of the Week series), and fewer things in life are more badass than master blacksmith Tony Swatton.

We’ve covered Swatton’s creations on the Cutting Edge a number of times, but when you keep creating knives and swords of note, we’re going to keep writing about you.

Every other Monday he releases a video via AWE me that shows himself (with the help of his team) forging weapons from video games, television and movies, and his most recent creation is the Lich King’s Frostmourne from World of Warcraft.

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Check Out These Homemade Wolverine Claws

Ever since I was a young boy watching the X-Men cartoons Saturday mornings, Wolverine was always my favorite X-Man.

Is there anyone reading this who wouldn’t want the ability to heal quickly and have knives built into their body? Most of us already carry around knives anyway so why not take out the middleman?

Over the years, people have been working on making the best functional Wolverine claws with a lot of poor attempts along the way. Earlier this month, however, the crazy inventor and video guy Colin Furze made some pretty awesome claws that retract and engage on command.

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Watch a Swiss Army Knife Fly Up Into the Stratosphere on a Weather-Balloon

Space: the final frontier. This is the story of a Swiss Army knife and a weather-balloon. Its four-minute journey: to reach new heights and challenging conditions, to boldly go where no knife has gone before.

Knives in space!

Forgive my indulgences, but the opportunity to redo the opening monologue of Star Trek with knives seemed too good to pass up. A man in Switzerland, who was sponsored by Victorinox, launched a weather-balloon into the heavens. Attached to the balloon was a Classic Swiss Army Knife and a GoPro camera to capture the stunning images.

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Short Doc Explores Passion and Journey of Bladesmith Murray Carter

How does a young man from Halifax, Nova Scotia, end up spending almost half of his life in Japan? The answer to that is threefold: drive, passion and knives.

At 18, Murray Carter of Carter Cutlery ended up in Japan where he basically fell into an apprenticeship with a 16th generation Yoshimoto bladesmith. Carter is now officially a 17th generation Yoshimoto bladesmith, meaning he’s only one of a handful of people who can trace their work and techniques back to one of the traditional bladesmithing families of Japan.

His knives can now cost upwards of several thousand dollars, but his journey onto this path is very unique. The filmmakers over at Cineastas made a compelling film about his journey and the importance of dreams. Check it out.

Watch Swordsmith Tony Swatton Forge Sting From ‘The Hobbit’

A few weeks back, we told you about a man who forges iconic swords and weapons from movies with an emphasis on functionality. That means his creations are made to be used in combat (or chopping pineapples and cans of soda in half, which are what the demonstrations consist of).

Well, master swordsmith and propmaster Tony Swatton is back this week with his latest creation: Sting from The Hobbit & The Lord of the Rings.

In case you’re one of the few people who hasn’t seen the four (soon-to-be five) films or read the decades-old books, Sting is a dagger forged by elves in Gondolin. The dagger, which is basically a sword for the miniscule hobbits, has the magical ability to glow blue to indicate when the humanoid beasts called orcs are nearby.

If I’ve lost you with all the nerdiness, let’s get straight to the point: this blacksmith made a functional replica of a badass dagger/sword from a movie. If you’re the collector-type and would like the actual prop used in The Lord of the Rings movies, you can buy the original at an upcoming auction. However, be prepared to shell out anywhere between $100,000 and $200,000.

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Machete Pocket Knife: Would you carry one?

Like most people who carry knives, sometimes a pocket knife with a three-inch blade simply won’t cut it. That’s where larger knives like the S&W dagger pocket knife or even the huge Cold Steel Espada XL come in handy. Still, for the times when those just aren’t quite big enough, one man has created a pocket knife with a machete-sized blade.

Joerg Sprave, the man who created the knife chainsaw and machete slingshot, dreamed up the massive pocket knife shortly after Halloween of 2012. We know we’re a little late on this, but it’s a creation worth revisiting. And before you criticize this guy for imagining something so bizarre and not entirely useful, he created it as a kind of joke.

The massive pocket knife features a full-length machete blade and uses rubber to hold the blade open and closed. The best part about it is that since it doesn’t use a true locking mechanism, he can legally carry the pocket knife in Germany.

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Watch Master Blacksmith Tony Swatton Forge Iconic Swords and Weapons

When I was young, I desperately wanted to be a video game designer and imagine up fantastical worlds with crazy weapons. While my dream never came true, I’m still able to do the next best thing: enjoy the games and worlds other people create.

It’s always easier to think of an idea for a game or weapon than create something in real life, but who hasn’t wanted something from a video game to become reality. Fortunately for all the gamers out there, master swordsmith and propmaster Tony Swatton will make your dreams come true.

For the past few months, Tony Swatton has been the subject of a YouTube series known as “Man at Arms” in which he recreates some of the weapons from popular media like Raphael’s Sais from “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” and the Batarangs from “The Dark Knight.” While you can already get many replicas of these weapons from around the web—and from your very own Knife Depot—the difference between Swatton’s weapons are that they’re fully functional. These are designed to be used and withstand force.

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Playing Ping Pong with Knives (video)

If there was just one thing the label “Do Not Try This At Home” was invented for, it’s this video.

A group of Swedish performers known as the Tumba Ping Pong crew released an amazing video that shows a guy hitting chef knives with a ping pong paddle and an emotionless Miss Ping catching them with similar paddles. The video culminates with a maneuver that would make William Tell swoon.

Now we get to the ultimate question: real or fake?

The internet has turned me into a complete and utter cynic. Every awesome video seems to be fake, from that dancing girl who caught on fire to an eagle snatching a baby.

Still, regardless of whether these videos are real or fake, it’s always awesome to see them for the first time. If this is real, it’s a great showcase of skill and concentration. But even if it’s not, it’s a very creative skit with convincing camera trickery.

Check out the video below. What do you think? Real or fake?

Homemade Zombie Brain Slicer Looks Killer

The popularity and obsession with zombies has grown exponentially over the years. And while many might be tired of talking about something that will never happen (probably), one of the best parts is the array of unique weapons designed to deal with the brain-hungry monsters.

No man is more imaginative and great at dreaming up awesomely unnecessary weapons than Joerg Sprave.

The same guy who brought you such amazing monstrosities as the machete slingshot and knife chainsaw has concocted an effective zombie killing device called the Brain Slicer. Basically, these are arrowheads designed to pierce a human skull and slice through as much brain as possible.

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