The Cutting Edge

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Montana and Georgia Knife Law Reform Bills Become Law

Do you live in Montana or Georgia? Well, the knife laws in your states just got a little bit friendlier.

Knife law reform bills spearheaded by Knife Rights have become law in the states of Montana and Georgia. Let’s go into further detail.

Montana Knife Law Reform HB 251

Last month, the Montana bill HB 251 became law without the signature of Gov. Steve Bullock. He essentially allowed the law to pass without putting his name on it. The bill passed by large margins in the state’s House and Senate.

According to Knife Rights, the new bill removes the prohibition against concealed carry without a CCW of “a knife with blade 4 or more inches in length.” It also removes dirks, daggers, sword canes, brass knuckles, razors, and more from the list of items prohibited from concealed carry.

Now you can carry the legendary Gerber Mark II hidden from view, for example. Here is the language.

Please note that this law does not go into effect until Oct. 1, 2017.

Georgia Knife Law Reform HB 292

Then, this week, Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal signed HB 292 into law. The bill includes language from a different knife law reform bill from Knife Rights.

The new law increases the legal carry length of a blade from 5 inches to 12 inches.

“(2) ‘Knife’ means a cutting instrument designed for the purpose of offense and defense consisting of a blade that is greater than five 12 inches in length which is fastened to a handle.”

The law, which became effective immediately, could not have come at a better time. BLADE Show is coming up in a few weeks and now attendees and exhibitors won’t have to worry so much about the length of their blade (unless it’s longer than 12 inches).

Knife Rights wanted a complete removal of the carry limit but says that “efforts to completely eliminate the carry length limit have been stymied due to the manner in which a knife is defined in Georgia law.”

If you want to help Knife Rights continue its efforts to repeal and clarify knife laws through the United States, I recommend donating to the organization. Right now Knife Rights is holding its Ultimate Steel Spectacular in which you can win more hundreds of prizes for donating. Check it out here.


  1. I live in Georgia and I want to thank you for this information .When I carry a fixed blade it is in the open and most likely on some of mine they have been illegal before now ! So again thanks I love my knives!

  2. Boy, I wish laws on auto’s would ease up in Mich. My son has cerebral palsy. He only has control of one arm and hand. A pocket knife is just another of things my son can’t do. He’s 25 and by far surpassed a lot of milestones in his life. The knife, which I think is mans first and most simple and basic tool. He can’t carry because of some hysteria 60-70 years ago. His jets and shark days are long behind him( a west side story reference) I would say Crip and Blood but they carry guns now. What a joke

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