The Cutting Edge

The official blog of Knife Depot

What do you use your knife for the most?

The great thing about knives is just how versatile and functional they are. A knife can easily attach to your belt with no effort and do nearly any task you run into.

I just moved into a new apartment, so I’ve been using my knife to open boxes, cut cardboard, slice twine and do other various jobs around the house. I can’t imagine what it would be like if I didn’t have my knife.

That’s why we at Knife Depot were wondering what you use your knife for the most that makes it invaluable to you. For example, do you use it for work, at home, hunting, building things or other specific tasks?

Let us know in the comments section. We look forward to reading them.


  1. huntin spooks in the fields

  2. i own a leatherman fuse so i use it for everything

  3. i use knives most for opening packaging

  4. cutting myself (just because i roll like that) but in all seriousness for airsoft

  5. use it for everything except gun fights

  6. I carry a small leatherman and a gerber para. mil. with a tanto blade . and I use them both for what ever I need a blade for .

  7. I carry one everyday. Use it for everything from work to eating my meals. I even fought off a pit bull with it that tried to get my shih tzu puppy. A man can’t have too many knives.

  8. everyday work, screwdriver, defense (if I don’t want my fists to be sore in the morning ; ) haha

  9. for just about anything, though sadly i lost my favorite one

  10. Fishing jammed rounds out of rifles. Yea that shit sucks.

  11. Self defense, carry anywhere from 3-5 on me at a time. Gangbangers beware! Had 3 on 1, I won!

  12. Cutting open packages and for outdoor purposes and yard work. I rock a buck knife. They last for years and they never rust! Well the blade at least lol

  13. Cutting & splicing polypropylene & nylon lines for tugboat .

  14. I use one every time I turn around opening stuff and scraping and everything you can think of ! I am a mechanic so go figure ,takes a good one to stay with me .I am presently useing a CRKT that came from Irack and given to me by a friend ! Its lasted about 5 years now and still has some to sharpen !

  15. I have a smaller one that I use mostly for opening boxes and such at work. My larger one, though, I use for everything from slicing up fruit to chasing off would-be muggers (no, really). Best lesson my dad ever taught me: always carry a knife.

  16. Also, am I really only one of two women commenting on this? That’s just sad. Knives are for chicks, too!

  17. I stabbed a fat sumbitch with my benchmade…only it didn’t do much considering he was fat

  18. what ever i need it for.

  19. peeling insulation off wire and general cutting duties

  20. that’s kind of a long list…

  21. Does a throwing ‘hawk count?

  22. junior collins ur like 8 why do you even have a knife

  23. For camping, hunting, airsoft, paintball, fishing, and cutting up food

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