The Cutting Edge

The official blog of Knife Depot

Author: Tim (page 31 of 113)

Timothy Martinez Jr. is the community director for Knife Depot and the editor of The Cutting Edge. If you have any questions or ideas for The Cutting Edge, you can contact him at

Condor TK Stratos – Badass Knife of the Week


Condor Tool & Knife is an underrated knife company.

The company has roots that date back to 1787 and has been making quality knives workers and outdoorsmen have depended on for centuries.

Our Badass Knife of the Week is just the latest in the company’s long tradition of making reliable fixed blades.

The Condor Stratos is a superb all-around survival and bushcrafting knife with a simple design that won’t let you down.

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Watch a Knife Handle Get Made From Cat Hair


Can’t figure out what to do with the globs and globs of cat hair blowing around your house like tiny, dander-filled tumbleweeds?

Well, Daniel Jansson of the Switch & Lever YouTube channel thinks you should convert it into a knife handle.

In a nine-minute video posted to YouTube earlier this year, Jansson shows the process of taking a handful of disgusting cat hair and transforming it into an exotic-looking knife handle.

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SOG Fielder – Badass Knife of the Week


It’s hard to get a visually appealing knife that’s both functional and ripe for everyday carry.

But somehow our Badass Knife of the Week walks that fine line.

The SOG Fielder had the potential to be a faceless 7.8-inch slab of stainless steel, but a vertical grain wood handle inlay breaks up the monotony to give the knife some personality and life.

The wood handle is sandwiched between two high luster stainless steel bolsters. The contrast is as good-looking as it is functional. The wood grain inlay feels good in the hand while the steel bolsters add some heft and durability to the handle.

If the wood grain handle just doesn’t do it for you, there’s also the SOG Fielder in G10, which transforms the whole personality of the knife.

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NYC Helicopter Crash Victims Trapped by Seatbelts and Poorly Briefed on Knives

Shortly after 7:00 p.m. on Sunday, a helicopter in New York City plunged into the frigid waters of the East River.

Stunned onlookers watched as the Eurocopter AS350 slowly landed on the water — where it quickly flipped upside down and started sinking.

The pilot was able to escape the downed helicopter but the five other passengers were killed in the water or shortly after.

Here is a brief video someone captured on their phone of the crash:

It’s an extremely sad story that once again calls into question the safety of helicopter tours that take private passengers around the city for photo opportunities.

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Ontario Blackbird SK-4 – Badass Knife of the Week


When designer Paul Scheiter created the original Blackbird SK-5, he made sure to strip it down to the necessities. He also said, “I believe the more complicated a product becomes, the more likely it is to fail when your life depends on it.”

The resounding success of the Blackbird SK-5 led Scheiter to expand the line to include a smaller version of the knife better suited for a wider range of tasks. That knife is the latest Badass Knife of the Week.

The Ontario Blackbird SK-4 is a compact version of the renowned SK-5 and subscribes to the same ethos of function over gimmicks.

The SK-4 isnt just a shrunken version of its larger brother. Instead Scheiter reworked the design to ensure it performs well and feels good in the hand.

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Mother of Student Killed in Stabbing Wants to Reinstate TX Knife Ban

On the morning of May 1, 2017, a 21-year-old man walked onto the campus of the University of Texas at Austin carrying a Bowie knife described as having a 15-inch blade by some outlets and started indiscriminately stabbing students.

In the attack, three students were injured and a fourth student named Harrison Brown was killed.

Now the Texas Tribune is reporting that the mother of the student killed on that fateful day is working to get the repeal of a knife ban on nearly all knives in Texas reinstated.

“I would love to see that bill completely repealed,” Lori Brown told reporter Emma Platoff. “Let’s come up with a license, a timeframe, a background check. Mental health issues are also a big problem.”

Texas Knife Ban Repeal Passed Easily

A full repeal of all knife laws was going up for vote around the time of the attack last year, which put the legislation in doubt at the time. It was later brought back with an amendment that restricted some locations on large Bowie knives in direct response to the incident at UT. It passed almost unanimously and was signed by the governor.

As a father and human being, I can barely imagine the grief and pain she must face on a daily basis. Unfortunately, a license and background checks for knives is simply not the answer.

As you can expect, Doug Ritter of Knife Rights does not agree either.

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CRKT Drifter – Badass Knife of the Week


A drifter is someone who travels around from place to place without a home, looking for work to get by. CRKT applies the ethos of a hard-working traveler always looking for his next job to the latest Badass Knife of the Week.

The CRKT Drifter is a no-nonsense knife that will get the job done with no questions asked. The knife has been called the best pocket knife for the everyday man because it is inexpensive, functional, and the perfect size for EDC.

The 2.875-inch blade has a versatile drop point design that works well in all types of situations. The blade engages quickly and smoothly with dual thumb studs for ambidextrous opening. Budget 8Cr14Mov stainless steel is easy to maintain and resists corrosion like it’s no one’s business.

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Three New Badass ‘Knife Depot’ T-Shirts Now Available

You asked for it and we answered.

Instead of hiding your love for knives deep in the recesses of your pockets, now you can express your love for knives with one of three brand new shirts.

Here’s a quick look at the three shirts.

“Knife Depot” T-Shirt

When you want to read some fascinating stories about knives or want to buy one of your very own, there’s only one place you should go: Knife Depot. This shirt has our logo surrounded by three knives.

“Never Lose Your Edge” T-Shirt

I’m pretty fond of our tagline because of its multiple meanings. We not only like to keep the tagline in mind when we’re talking about our knives but also when we’re talking about our approach to life.

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Rare or Exotic Handle Materials

Back in April 2011, I wrote a blog post about rare or exotic knife handles with a few materials.

In the ensuing seven years (I’ve been at this a long time), I’ve encountered a ton of interesting handle materials, so I thought it’d be cool to go back and update this post.

I was originally inspired by an interesting feature about exotic knife handle materials and how the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service regulates the importation of certain material published in the May 2011 issue of BLADE magazine. In the piece, the author mentioned some exotic material I didn’t know was used for handles. Upon more research, I found that there are a lot of exotic or rare knife handle materials used by custom makers.

Although you probably shouldn’t go hunt an endangered animals for any reason (since it is very illegal), I thought I’d make a list of the most exotic and rare knife handle materials on the market.

(Also, be aware that some of this material is banned, so it requires careful documentation that proves it was made before it was banned or the whole knife could be confiscated.)

This isn’t a list of the rarest material but just some interesting materials you may not have known was used to make knives (along with some cool pictures).

Let me know in the comments if there are any others that should be added to the list.

Giraffe Bone

Stabilized Giraffe Bone Hunter from Behring Made

While this material is not necessarily rare since it pretty much dominates the bone handle material market, it’s definitely exotic.

Most of the giraffe bone material is imported from South Africa. You need permits and must have certificates of origination with most of this material or it could be confiscated.

I’m not sure how they get all of the giraffe bone, but the majority is found simply roaming around and finding carcasses leftover from lion attacks.

Mammoth Ivory & Teeth

For anyone who doesn’t know what a mammoth is, it’s an extinct genus of animals that are the relative of modern elephants. While there are variations, like the famed woolly mammoth, the typical mammoth was similar to the modern elephant except much bigger.

Since they are extinct, the supply of mammoth tusk is fairly limited and the knife handles that are made out of the material are expensive. Some people think that instead of sitting in a boring old museum forever, 11,000-year-old mammoth tusks should be used for cool knives. There are still an estimated 10 million buried mammoths, so it could be much more common if someone were interested in excavating the frozen tundra of Siberia.

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Cold Steel Announces Move From CTS-XHP to S35VN Blade Steel

For some reason, Cold Steel still gets the label as a company that only makes products for mall ninjas. While they still do make those ridiculous proof videos, that simply doesn’t capture the whole image of the company.

Cold Steel has made huge strides the past few decades and have heeded the call of customers while putting out some truly awesome knives.

First they brought the great Andrew Demko on board (who brought the Tri-Ad lock). Then they updated their steel from AUS8 (CRKT could take a page from this). But best of all they are always communicating with their customers.

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