The Cutting Edge

The official blog of Knife Depot

Weird Knives: The Pointless Knife

Despite the pretty obvious playfulness of the name, there is actually a point to this knife: prevent those spontaneous stabbings we are so often urged to do.

These New Point knives are billed as the kitchen knife that can’t be used as a weapon.

They arrived out of the fear that the UK was going to completely ban pointy knives because of all the knife crime. Knife crime is actually a huge problem in the UK, so this might seem like a good idea over there.

There are a number of problems with this design, however. Firstly, although you can’t fatally stab anyone since the knife doesn’t have a point, it still features an extremely sharp blade stretching the length of the knife. While it might prevent accidental stabbings if it falls off the counter, it will definitely not deter someone with malicious intent.

Secondly, the people who are going to buy this knife aren’t going to be the people who will need it. Those who have the audacity to spontaneously stab someone are not going to get this knife to quell their evil urges.

This pointless knife is a novel foray into creating a safer knife, but its design is just plain weird.


  1. Incredibly stupid idea. All this means is that those w/malicious intent will use: icepicks, screwdrivers, scissors and “other” pointy objects to do damage. It amazes me how politicians come up with these half-ass solutions to a problem.

  2. Are knives that only pointy objects on the planet?

    Against stupidity; God Himself is helpless.
    -Yiddish Proverb

  3. stabbing is not the only use for a knife…. Any one ever use a knife to cut things lately???

    • I am not sure you can have a stupid idea surely by definition an idea has to come from intelligence. It may be poorly executed or redundant but surely an idea by definition deserves consideration and then possibly constructive criticism.

  4. This is one wierd knife no doubt, but a useful knife indeed. Named pointless, but actually the lower point makes the knife safer to use. Just my 2 cents.

  5. I have seen more stupid violence in my life however the 2 events that I remember both involved pointed knives. One was conscripted soldiers who were playing a game called splits that resulted in a young man having a femoral artery being nicked he survived. The other involved a argument in the kitchen where hot food hot kitchens and hot tempers resulted in a fatal stabbing of a young man by his “best friend”.
    I know that it would be lovely to live in a world where we did not need speed limits because people drove at the proper speed and people could have knives with points. . I am not in favor of legislation however if I was running a kitchen I would appreciate the things like this knife being available in the same way that I am glad that safety pins existed when my daughter was having her diaper changed however much I deplore them while she gives through punk rock years.
    Best regards David

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