The Cutting Edge

The official blog of Knife Depot

Watch Knifemaker Create the ‘Fast Food Knife’ Using Beer, Bacon, Fries and Tums

Not getting enough America in your knives? Then meet the knife made using some of the ingredients all Americans love: beer, bacon, fries and Tums (for that inevitable heartburn).

Created by Steve Calvert from the always fascinating Green Beetle YouTube channel, the knife is fondly called the Fast Food Knife or the ‘Murica! Knife.

The whole video is a delight to watch thanks to Calvert’s ingenuity and dry humor.

Calvert and his team started with wrought iron hooks that they heated and flattened along with pure iron bars carburized using good ol’ Tums.

He then forges the knife and quenches it in beer first and then some oil because the watery beer would have been too hard on the steel. The knife is tempered in the oven. And that’s when he brings out the bacon and fries.

After some trial and error, he embalms a piece of bacon and a freedom fry inside resin to act as the handle. With a few finishing touches, the ‘Murica! Knife is complete.

Considering the resin is not the best material for a hard-use handle and the potential for the food to become rancid, this knife is mainly something to marvel at and not take out into the field.

Still, it brings a tear to the eye.


  1. Andrea Lankford

    March 29, 2017 at 5:45 pm

    stupid and insulting to america

  2. Sorry the last post thought this was stupid and insulting…..I thought this was very entertaining and educational….best use of a pitcher of beer I have seen in a while….and what better last ditch survival tool than a partially edible knife handle…..just save a few of those tums.

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