A wise person once said, “Minimalism is not subtraction for the sake of subtraction. Minimalism is subtraction for the sake of focus.” No sentiment better describes the idea and execution of our latest Badass Knife of the Week.
The CRKT Minimalist is a small and lightweight fixed blade that offers surprising control and versatility.
However, don’t mistake the knife’s simplicity for a lack of sophistication.
Designed by the prolific knife maker Alan Folts, the CRKT Minimalist is a production take on Folts’ well-received custom knives. According to Dan at BladeReviews.com, it took Folts more than two years to design the knife. He carried the knife around the country and received feedback from countless people.
Needless to say, all the minor tweaks and changes paid off.
The shapely handle on this fixed blade is ergonomically designed to use the least amount of material but still create a grip that fills out the hand better than nearly any other knife.
The polished resin impregnated fiber scales cover the full tang and boast three contoured finger choils. Jimping along the spine of the blade offers extra control.
Made of functional 5Cr15MoV stainless steel, the bead-blasted blade is 2.125 inches with a plain edge. This iteration features a Bowie style blade profile but it also comes in a Wharncliffe or Tanto design.
The 1.6-ounce knife fits into a custom-fitted glass-filled nylon sheath with a detent that locks the blade in place.
For more information on this Badass Knife of the Week, check out the product page for the CRKT Minimalist.

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