The Cutting Edge

The official blog of Knife Depot

Watch Hilarious PSA from Lawyer on New Texas Knife Laws

With Texas still experiencing extreme flooding from the devastating Hurricane Harvey, we continue sending our thoughts and prayers to those affected by the storm. I have personally sent donations to relief organizations and encourage you to do the same.

The ensuing devastation has led Knife Rights to rightfully cancel its BOYB (Bring Your Own Bowie) event at The Alamo on Sept. 2 — an event to celebrate the passage of the new knife laws that will allow Texans to carry blades longer than 5.5 inches almost anywhere.

However, Texans can still celebrate Texas Sword Day, a new holiday deemed by the Texas Law Hawk aka Bryan Wilson, on Sept. 1. Take a look at his PSA for Texans.

Wilson is a lawyer who’s also the proprietor of some very entertaining videos that look like something Tim and Eric would have cooked up had they gone to law school.

So starting today, Texans should feel free to take a katana while they’re walking their dog or carry a huge Bowie knife to the grocery store. Just remember that there are some location restrictions.

And as the Law Hawk says:

“Texas Sword Day isn’t about scaring people. It’s about freedom.”

1 Comment

  1. Great clips guys! Whomever speaks to others concerning this, be mindful to mention that the restrictive laws “ONLY” keep effective/useable items (for defense) out of the hands of those who are honest citizens. “ANY effective defense tool MUST, at a minimum, be at least the size/type (or larger) of what type of weapon could be wielded against them by the ever vigilant criminal!!! Sincerely Randy Clendenin.
    P.S.: If any LEO’s attempt to dissuade you from pressing this issue, remind them “it’s not the tool that harms, but the hand holding it” – and should any not like that, then THEY/ALL should need to find another line of work (never restrict the honest citizen from being able to protect themselves or what belongs to them) since law enforcement isn’t able/capable of stopping criminals from doing whatever they want to ANY of our citizens!!! Until they can do that, they’re just as culpable (as well are those passing such restrictive laws on OUR HONEST citizens) as those committing such acts!

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