The Cutting Edge

The official blog of Knife Depot

10 Ways People Have Tried to Sneak Knives on Planes

Click here for 20 more ways people have tried to sneak knives on planes.

Don’t try to take your knives on planes!

We know the restrictions can be pretty stringent and unnecessary (at one point the TSA was going to allow knives back on planes before people flipped out), but knives are not allowed on planes.

Not only will your knives get confiscated but you will also be pulled aside and maybe even charged, depending on the situation.

We’ve written about this before way back in 2012 when the TSA shared how someone tried to smuggle a knife inside a jar of mayonnaise, but the organization has only become more brazen in sharing the things they’ve found. The TSA is still reviled by most people, but their Instagram account is a must-follow to see what kinds of things people try to take onboard planes.

In honor of the impending holiday season, here are 10 ways people have tried to smuggle knives on planes. (This isn’t counting the concealed knives like belt buckle knives and comb knives—only regular knives hidden in different places. We’ll save concealed knives for another post.)

By the way, if you’re planning on flying this holiday season, here is a post on TSA knife rules and ways to prevent your knife from being taken.

1. Inside a shoe (hidden beneath the sole)

Apparently this dude tried to take two knives onboard the plane—a bullet knife and what looks to be a balisong. A cutout was made in the heel.

But wait, there’s more!

Here’s a bonus for good measure. This smuggling took place at the Detroit airport with what looks like a Kershaw Leek. It definitely doesn’t look comfortable.

2. Inside a wrapped computer cord

I love the Kershaw Shuffle as much as the next guy, but I’m not going to try to hide it in my computer cord. Sure, they’re not too expensive, but I hate having to give up my knives to anyone.

3. Inside a hollowed out book

These hollowed out books are actually pretty common. They’re mostly designed for keeping valuables hidden in plain sight on your bookshelf. This Gerber Crucial can’t sneak past the TSA in this book though.

Here’s another bonus round for the hollowed out book. Two 6.5-inch throwing knives were hidden (and found) in this ninja book.

4. In a can of Pringles

Nothing like Pringles with a side of pocket knife. I wouldn’t subject my knife to the torture of being in a greasy Pringles can, that’s for sure.

5. In a cardboard instant coffee container

People constantly try to smuggle aboard those cheap credit card knives. This guy was smart enough to hide it in a cardboard container (but not smart enough to leave it at home).

6. In a flashlight’s battery compartment

The battery compartment seems like a good hiding place for contraband, except for the fact that the TSA has x-ray machines.

7. Inside a neck pillow

“You should probably go get that lump in your neck pillow checked out” is what I imagine the TSA agent saying before they realized it’s a knife.

8. Wrapped in tinfoil

I can’t tell if this guy was thinking that the TSA would see a giant piece of tinfoil in the shape of a billhook and say “That’s a cool sculpture, dude” or if he thought wrapping it in foil would make it safe to take onboard.

9. In an empty shaving cream can

I bet people think they’re pretty smart trying to smuggle things inside cans of things. It seems like it would have taken a lot of work to get the cream out, clean it, and get it ready to smuggle aboard. It probably would have been significantly easier to just mail the multitool ahead.

10. In a bottle of pills

Finally, someone tried to hide the iconic Buck inside a jar of acetaminophen. It’s too bad both the knife and pills were confiscated because I’m sure this guy got a major headache from this blunder.


  1. That IS pretty silly, however, I have taken a credit card knife on a plane in my purse. Now I had forgotten it was there or I would’ve left it at home, but it wasn’t discovered until I arrived back home and was changing purses the following day. I carry it because I’m a Girl Scout and I try to always be prepared. Its not for attack or really protection but for use as a tool.

    • You could have gotten into big trouble because of that knife Linda. You got lucky I should say.

    • I did the same thing! I didn’t realize I even had it until the nice security folks at the world trade center asked me why I had a knife in my wallet… I had completely forgotten! Not exactly sure how long it was in there, but I know I went through airport security at least four times without getting flagged… Maybe TSA should be taking pointers from the security personnel at the new One World Trade Center building. Kudos to them for 1) finding it and 2) being VERY professional when they did! I was able to pick up my knife from the security desk on my way back down from the observation deck. Overall a great experience!

      • Tim

        February 2, 2016 at 1:27 pm

        That’s awesome they didn’t make a big deal out of it. It happens to a lot of people, but some security personnel will call the police if you accidentally brought your knife somewhere they aren’t permitted.

  2. I read the article about allowing small knives and didn’t cautch the article about them not allowing it after all for a few months. I prominantly placed my small Swiss Army knife with my keys and watch in those small bins, and flew a dozen times before I mentioned how nice it is to have a knife when I travel (to be used as a tool of course) when my dad said “no they changed that!”. I stopped carrying it emediatly, whoops.

  3. These are some very creative way to hide knives. Always have to be careful as someone working in an airport check in point

  4. There is no such thing as “tinfoil”! Tin contains lead!!

    • Really Wilson, that is the most insight you had after the article? We could pick apart 200 different things and you chose “tinfoil”? #youboredmuch

    • Tinfoil isn’t really a thing anymore. What is used now is aluminum foil. And I’m pretty sure it’s visible in X-rays and also will be picked up by metal detectors.

  5. From my childhood I always have a knife in my pocket. Flying regulary for my job from Geneva Swiss Airport, I often forgot it and each time was obliged to leave it to the police officer. By chance, when and if returning, you’ve the possibility to keep it back as they put it in an enveloppe with your name and flight number as proof. Leave a 300 or 500€ knife 4 or 5 times a year in an airport, I can’t afford !

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