If you dabble much in the world of Hollywood socialites, you’ve likely heard the news that Paris Hilton woke up in L.A. yesterday to the sight of a man, who police have identified as 31-year old Nathan Parada,  clamoring outside of her home with a pair of kitchen knives.  She broke the news on Twitter:

Unfortunately, celebrity armed-burglary is a frequent symptom of dull-blade syndrome–something we see too often in the knife world.  Buying poor-quality kitchen knives to save money can seem like a good idea at the time–but fast-forward six months and you may find yourself with a blade so lame you can’t cut through a carrot.

Of course, the smart thing to do would be to check out Knife Depot and pick out a high-quality kitchen knife.  We carry bread knives, boning knives, pairing knives and more.  Not only are our products the sharpest, but they also come with a 30-day money-back guarantee, ensuring that you’ll never cave into hysteria and bash your dull blades against the front door of a woman whose primary source of income is posing provocatively with her pug.